Reflections from Yoganusasanam 2014
I left San Francisco for Pune, India in late November to volunteer with preparations for and participate in the 10-day Yoganusasanam Intensive and Geeta S. Iyengar’s 70th Birthday celebration, and then stay on for the remainder of December and January for study. As with past extended-study trips - this the eighth in ten years - the clarity of the teachings, depth of experience, and connection with community were remarkable and beyond expectation. But what remains salient, overarching this trip, was the experience of all these things in the absence…
Reflections from B.K.S. Iyengar’s 95th Birthday Month
The teachings and imprints from one month of study at the Ramamani Iyengar Memorial Yoga Institute (RIMYI) in Pune, India are still fresh, the depth and width of which I will only come to realize as my practice continues. It will take time to digest - to penetrate, percolate, sift, and filter through the teachings through my practice. Our system is based upon keen observation and experience. Words are only indicators. Practice goes beyond words. Practice reveals. Practice can…