
Winter Programs

Geeta S. Iyengar said, “To be a teacher, be a learner first.” Learning inspires practice. Learning and practice inspire study. And all three may inspire a feeling from within to share knowledge. Experiential understanding from long, uninterrupted, alert practice, interwoven with theoretical knowledge from study, is a necessary foundation for teaching.

Questions about expanded study, apprenticing/mentoring, or teaching in the Iyengar Tradition? I invite you to contact me.

Progression in Practice, Theory, and Teaching

Practice Exploration

Sunday 11:30am-1:30pm
Saturday 3-5pm

Asana Teaching Skills

Sunday 11:30am-1:30pm
Saturday 3-5pm

Pranayama Teaching Skills

Sunday 11:30am-1:30pm
Saturday 3-5pm

Teaching Skills Immersion

8.30-9.30am Q&A
10-11.30am Asana *
1-4pm Teaching Skills
11.30am-2.30pm Teaching Skills

* separate registration/fee

Registration is currently closed.

Pease contact me before registering if you are new to this program.

NOTE: Register for Continuing Studies and Yoga Sutras separately.

The aim of each session is to explore the interconnected nature of practice, theory, and teaching as a means to study the sequence of learning rooted in practice-experience. Preparatory assignments interrelate various aspects of practice, theory, and teaching to provide a framework for self-study and reference for group sessions. Sessions nurture a friendly, supportive environment for all to share and learn together. For Certified Iyengar Yoga Teachers (CIYTs) and Iyengar Yoga students actively engaged to become a CIYT.

Based upon the RIMYI Certification and Assessment Guidelines released July 2020, the 2024 IYNAUS Assessment Manual, and the invaluable resources and guidance provided by B.K.S. Iyengar, Geeta S. Iyengar, and Prashant S. Iyengar.

This program offers opportunities to practice your ability to express concisely your practice-experience thought processes; communicate foundational actions and the essence of asana in demonstration; instruct with clarity and dynamic presence while simultaneously observing students’ responses; respond skillfully to students in need of help; teach progressively and encourage students to safely reach their potential; inspire students to practice, and “delve deeply” into the subject of yoga.

THE PROGRAM is structured upon the theoretical study and practice assignments from Continuing Studies and Yoga Sutra Study Group, and woven together with Practice Exploration, Asana Teaching Skills, Pranayama Teaching Skills, and a Teaching Skills Immersion.

Theory and practice preparatory assignments provided for each monthly Continuing Studies session are an essential part of the Winter program. These assignments will sometimes be extended to evolve teaching skills as part of this program. Monthly Yoga Sutras sessions further solidify foundational theory and its relevance to practice and life.

Practice Explorations are gatherings where each in attendance practice toward an asana with a theme and actual context in mind, followed by group discussion of the means and modes undertaken by each practitioner.

Asana Teaching Skills is a themed sequence of asana led/guided/taught by those in attendance.

Pranayama Teaching Skills is a themed sequence of pranayama taught by those in attendance.

Teaching Skills Immersion is a culmination of the Winter Program practice explorations, theoretical study, and teaching skills.

“In the art of teaching yoga, the teacher encourages the pupil to think and feel for himself, explore the body and experiment with the postures, study life and nature, delve deeply into yoga and its philosophy of life.”

- B.K.S. Iyengar

Continuing Studies

Monthly Sundays
10-12:30pm (Pacific)

Mar 23

Build your own practice “fund of experience.” Learn, study, explore, and expand your inner practice horizons with confidence. Share your experience among friends in yoga. This monthly class is a launch and sustaining platform for continuous practice and study of the eight “petals” of astanga yoga in the Iyengar tradition. Attend one, two, or all three sessions. Sessions will include exploration of asana themes and approaches to more complex asana; preparatory and primary pranayama; and yoga philosophy discussion with practical application to your life and practice. Themed, optional reading and study assignments will be provided upon registration to support your own theory and practice exploration prior to each session.

Recommendations: a curiosity to learn and three years of study with a Certified Iyengar Yoga Teacher (CIYT).